[CLUE-Tech] Buying an IP.

Adam Bultman adamb at glaven.org
Fri Dec 19 21:47:32 MST 2003

At a previous job, I inquired about Buying an ip.

For my company, it was completely impossible.  From what I understand, 
Tier 1 providers basically 'own' the IPs, and 'rent' them to you. If they 
feel like yanking them:  Tough bits, it's theirs in the end.  I inquired 
as far as I could, but again - a single IP would be hard to come by (and 
you'd have a hard time routing it if you wanted to move it) and a full 
BLOCK of IPs would be even harder to get.

If you can manage it, let me know - I'd like to know what strings I could 
pull to get my very own IP.


adamb at glaven.org
[ www.glaven.org ]

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, David Anselmi wrote:

> Anyone know how to own your own IP address, or block of addresses?  I 
> overheard someone say that with IPv6 you can't do this and that he owned 
> his own IPv4 address.
> My office seems to do this because when we switch ISPs we keep our 
> addresses (well, we're federal government and we have a decent number of 
> /24 blocks so that doesn't mean anything for individuals).
> You can get (no cost) IPv6 addresses (a /48) from places like 
> freenet6.net but those seem to be allocated out of an experimental range 
> so it hardly seems like ownership.
> Dave
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