[CLUE-Tech] ext2 file corruption

Jed S. Baer thag at frii.com
Wed Dec 24 23:56:49 MST 2003

Hi Folks.

I know this sounds whacko. But I'm 99% certain I'm getting some
file-corrupting behavior on an ext2 filesystem. Regrettably, I have really
nothing much to go on here, as the last fsck on the filesystem passed fine
-- but I'll do another shortly.

I happened upon this by accident, as I was cleaning some things out of my
home directory. I openned a file in vi to see what it was, and found the
contents of two files in it. Due to the divergent content, there's just no
way that I would have appended them, and besides, the older content is
below the newer. Of course, this now has me concerned.

I had thought that ext2 was rock solid.

Yeah, I could have made a typo at some time, but my habits for naming
files argues against a missing character or transposition.

I guess I'll be downloading the "SMARTS" package, and testing the hd.
Other than that, any suggestions for tracking things down?


... it is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday
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