[CLUE-Tech] RH8 question

Ski Dawg skidawg at plbb.net
Fri Feb 21 23:52:07 MST 2003

On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 21:29, Art Reisman wrote:
> Are you doing this as a learning type thing? If not
> wouldn't it be easier to pick up an older pentium on
> ebay or at a garage sale? I have an old one that I
> just keep  as a spare that I could bring to the next
> CLUE meeting if you are a starving artist in need...
> Art

At first I was just trying to build a firewall for my home network, but
after I found out that RH8 wasn't supposed to be run on a 486, it became
a challenge. I think I should be able to get this to work since I have
done a complete install of RH8, minus the kernel, on that box

In fact I was even able to boot up KNOPPIX (in command line mode) on
that box, and then chroot so that I was only using the RH portion. When
I did that, I was able to install a kernel from kernel.org, and one from
the RPM's from RedHat. The problem was I couldn't get any of the boot
stuff to work. It seems as though RH needs to have some kind of kernel
to install during the initial install process or it completely messes up
everything related to the boot sector (grub, lilo, boot partition, etc).

At this point, I should be able to get RH8 working on the 486, I just
have to figure out exactly how. I still have a few more things to try. I
was just wondering if someone had some opinions of other avenues to try

Thanks for the offer of the computer, but I don't need it. I know this
486 will run RH7.2, several versions of Slackware, and then I could
always go one of the floppy router distributions if necessary.

Thanks anyway.


Registered Linux User #285548 (http://counter.li.org)
Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla) 
Uptime: at 11:37pm up 77 days, 14:04
Random Thought:
Q:	How many Zen masters does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A:	None.  The Universe spins the bulb, and the Zen master stays out
	of the way.

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