[CLUE-Tech] Freevo!

Jeremy Huber jhuber at fallenknight.org
Wed Jan 29 10:42:38 MST 2003

This is actually something that I've been wanting to do (pending time and 
money), so I've done research on several different projects like this.  Out of 
the ones I've found, Freevo and MythTV (http://www.mythtv.org/) are the most 
promising looking.  The others I found (VDR - 
http://www.cadsoft.de/people/kls/vdr , Time-shifting - 
http://www.linuxprofessionalsolutions.com/pavlicek/tv.html , and ebox - 
http://www.bluelightning.org/ebox/index.html ) all have potential, but not 
quite terribly useful in the TiVo arena..


Quoting Sean LeBlanc <seanleblanc at americanisp.net>:

> I stumbled across this project - has anyone tried this out? 
> http://freevo.sourceforge.net/
> It looks like TV recording (like Tivo) is not quite there yet - but the
> screenshots look very promising...and skinnable. Now, if only I had the
> hardware. :)  

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