[CLUE-Tech] apache mod_rewrite

David Anselmi anselmi at americanisp.net
Thu Jul 10 18:28:18 MDT 2003

Jeffery Cann wrote:
> RewriteEngine on
> RewriteLog "/var/apache2/logs/rewrite.log"
> RewriteLogLevel 9
> RewriteRule ^/webapp/s/(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/webapp/s/$1 [R,L]
> I'm not sure why I am not getting any log entries when I hit 
> http://localhost/webapp/s/mypage.jsp -- I'm assuming that the rule is not 
> satisfied and thus no logging?  I would expect to at least see output like 
> 'Rule blah no match' or something.

Is your rewrite rule defined in a per-directory config, like inside 
/webapp/?  Then the /webapp part might be getting stripped.

If you've used an alias or something to map /webapp to somewhere other 
than /webapp in the filesystem, you might need RewriteBase.

Perhaps you could put a ! in front of your rewrite rule and see if that 
gets logging going.  That would tell you for sure that you're not 
matching, I think.

What are you getting in your browser with the above?  I'd guess you get 
the right page without SSL?

I've always seen references to what black art rewriting is, and never 
done it myself.  Good luck!


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