[CLUE-Tech] Font List and Removal?

Matt Gushee mgushee at havenrock.com
Tue Apr 6 23:11:59 MDT 2004

On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 08:19:10PM -0700, Dave Price wrote:
> I have ttf fonts working fine on my system, except that I 
> put _way_too_many_ on there.  
> Is there a nice way to get a list of font names (and maybe samples) so
> that I can do some deleting?

Well, here I am catching up on CLUE-Tech after a long absence.  I'm
amazed that noone has responded to this question yet. Maybe you've found
answers already, but just in case you haven't, here are a few tips: 

First of all, I'm not aware of any tool that will do it all. Maybe I'll
write that program some day (TUFT--The Ultimate Font Tool?), but it's
kind of a low priority ;-). Anyway:

 * There's always xlsfonts, to get all the fonts available through X.
   But maybe that doesn't qualify as "nice." And it won't tell you
   which fonts are TrueType.

 * If you know which directory the font files are in, the "spadmin"
   program that comes with OpenOffice will let you browse all the 
   fonts graphically--but it won't match up the font family names
   with file names.

 * Or you could probably do something with the FreeType tools ... you
   might have them installed already: ftinfo, ftdump, ftview, etc.
   It wouldn't be too hard to write a script using ftinfo that would
   correlate font family names and/or other info with filenames.

 * Or you could use the following code, which will give you a
   command-line tool that takes an input directory and an output
   directory, and for every ".ttf" file in the input directory it
   creates a PNG image with the font file name rendered in that font
   at 24pt. The catch is that you have to download and compile some
   stuff, but if your machine and Internet connection are reasonably
   fast, it shouldn't take more than an hour altogether.

-- cut below this line --------------------------------------------
   fontpix.ml -- a simple utility for generating sample images of
     TrueType fonts.

     the OCaml distribution :
     FindLib : http://www.ocaml-programming.de/packages/
     GD4O : http://gd4o.sourceforge.net/

     Byte code: (failed on my system ... not sure why)
       ocamlfind ocamlc -package gd -linkpkg -o fontpix fontpix.ml
     Native code: (have to compile OCaml w/ native code option)
       ocamlfind ocamlopt -package gd -linkpkg -o fontpix fontpix.ml

     ./fontpix <input_dir> <output_dir>
open Gd;;

let fontpic output_dir ttf_file =
  let base = Filename.basename ttf_file in
  let img = create 256 96 in
  let white = img#colors#white
  and black = img#colors#black in
  ignore (img#string_ft ~fg:black ~fname:ttf_file ~size:24.0 ~angle:0.
    ~x:24 ~y:54 base);
  let img_file = Filename.concat output_dir (base ^ ".png") in
  img#save_as_png img_file

let run indir outdir =
  let all_files = Sys.readdir indir in
  let ttf_files =
      ( Filename.concat indir )
      ( List.filter
        ( fun fname ->
          let len = String.length fname in
          (len >= 4) && ((String.sub fname (len - 4) 4) = ".ttf") )
        ( Array.to_list all_files ) ) in
  List.iter (fontpic outdir) ttf_files

let () =
  let indir = Sys.argv.(1) and outdir = Sys.argv.(2) in
  run indir outdir

-- END - cut above this line ---------------------------------------

Matt Gushee                 When a nation follows the Way,
Englewood, Colorado, USA    Horses bear manure through
mgushee at havenrock.com           its fields;
http://www.havenrock.com/   When a nation ignores the Way,
                            Horses bear soldiers through
                                its streets.
                            --Lao Tzu (Peter Merel, trans.)

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