[CLUE-Tech] Read MS Access files?

David Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Fri Apr 9 08:22:34 MDT 2004

Jef Barnhart wrote:
> I don't know how much this will help you but it is a start
> http://otn.oracle.com/pub/articles/gagne_access.html

The beginning of that strikes me as nonsense.

"One option would have been to purchase a copy of Microsoft Access and 
create an application, but that would have involved locking ourselves 
into the same proprietary mold that had gotten us into this mess in the 
first place."

The crux of this article is: given an mdb file and no MS software, how 
do we get the data out.  The author implies that Oracle is somehow more 
open and more standard than Access.

So, given the files for an Oracle database and no Oracle software, how 
do we get the data out?  Can it be done with Open Source?

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