[CLUE-Tech] Debian dependencies

Jed S. Baer thag at frii.com
Mon Dec 6 14:27:51 MST 2004

On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 14:51:46 -0500
Angelo Bertolli wrote:

> Can someone tell me why, on Debian, I cannot remove things like abiword 
> without removing gnome?  Why does gnome depend on abiword?  I think the 
> same goes for gnumeric.  Is there a legitimate reason why I can't have 
> the gnome desktop without having a spreadsheet or word processor?

What!? You mean you think that you should be able to configure your system
the way you want it? Get a grip, Angelo. The Gnome teams knows best. Bloat
is the future, and the future is now. I bet you haven't tried removing the
infrared remote libraries either. Don't use 'em? Oh. Well, you have them

BTW, I don't think KDE is much better.

But, this is what you wind up with when you use pre-compiled binaries.

One of my goals is to someday get to the point where I build my own
packages. Being on dialup, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon. But at
least it's possible.



... it is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday
facilitate a police state. -- Bruce Schneier

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