[clue-tech] New PGP public keyserver software

Charles Oriez coriez at oriez.org
Fri Dec 24 12:55:20 MST 2004

At 02:21 PM 12/23/2004, Dirk Huizenga wrote:

>I just received a email from a PGP keyserver.

>This at least cleans out old key with old or fake email addresses.  It
>also allows someone to remove their own key.  Their website for the
>new server software is https://keyserver-beta.pgp.com/
>Has anyone else received a "confirmation" email?

I have not, even though I have a collection of keys there, some currently 
live, some defunct, some with obsolete addresses.  I should have at least 
gotten one from the single live registration with valid address

coriez at oriez.org 39  34' 34.4"N / 105 00' 06.3"W       AIM handle caoriez
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