[CLUE-Tech] MS Office on Linux -- would you?

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Mon Feb 16 18:36:30 MST 2004

On Feb 16, 2004, at 2:26 PM, Angelo Bertolli wrote:
> By the time I get home, I'm so tired from administration all day the 
> last
> thing I want to do is spend hours debugging linux at home.  My time to 
> do
> recreational things is so short anyway.  So I end up using Windows.  To
> me, the there is absolutely no issue with using Linux for Office 
> software,
> and it seems totally compatible with common (yesteryear's) versions of 
> MS
> Office.  Just make sure you have a postscript printer.

Angelo, you may be a good candidate for a Mac -- I wholeheartedly agree 
with the sentiment that sometimes I just want to go home, sit down at a 
box and do some stuff... and my Mac is the machine that gets used for 
that... even can run Office if I want to...!  ;-)

No, it's not a Free as in Freedom Unix under the hood, but I do have a 
shell and perl and apache and php, and all my "usual" tools as well as 
a really nice user interface/experience.  It's just a very classy OS 
for just "getting stuff done" these days.  Of course, I have plenty of 
Linux boxes around of various flavors of Linux and one lonely Windows 
partition on a large disk that rarely gets booted other than to play 
commercial games... since most of the Linux machines are Debian, "fink" 
on the Mac does a nice job of giving me a "Debian-like experience" for 
package management and Apple's X11 server allows me to export DISPLAY 
via SSH forwarding from the Linux boxen...

Yes, they're expensive... but worth it, unlike many things in the 
computer-hype world.

Sorry, this is a bit off-topic, but if someone who does Unix/Linux 
hasn't looked at Mac's lately - they should.  OS X really does a nice 

Nate Duehr, nate at natetech.com

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