[CLUE-Tech] Re: Has anyone VPNed into their employer's windows VPN?

Jim Ockers ockers at ockers.net
Sun Jul 4 21:15:18 MDT 2004


Jason S. Friedman wrote:
> I installed, and I connect, and I get this feedback from
> the GUI:
> Using interface ppp0
> pptp-php-gtk: monitoring interface ppp0
> Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/16
> CHAP authentication succeeded
> local  IP address
> remote IP address
> pptp-php-gtk: pppd process exit status 0
> pptp-php-gtk: routes added to remote networks
> pptp-php-gtk: connected
> Looks good.  I can ping
> This may sound silly, but now what?  If I were at the
> office, I can use my Windows desktop to telnet to the
> various *nix servers I need to reach.  I can't seem to do
> that, even using the IP addresses rather than the names.

The "pppd process exit status 0" is probably not good.  If the
pppd process dies, the ppp interface it was handling probably
goes away as well.

The ifconfig information you gave is interesting but it
would help troubleshoot the problem if you provided the kernel's
routing table.  netstat -rn or route -n.

> Also, I'm thinking I should see something from ifconfig
> about the ppp0 device, but I don't:
> $ ifconfig | egrep 'eth|ppp|inet'
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:22:87:B5:7B
>           inet addr:  Bcast: 
> Mask:
> eth2      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:D0:B7:6C:62:B4
>           inet addr:  Bcast: 
> Mask:
>           inet addr:  Mask:

You're correct in thinking that.

Hope this helps,

Jim Ockers, P.Eng. (ockers at ockers.net)
Contact info: please see http://www.ockers.net/

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