[CLUE-Tech] Re: [CLUE-Talk] Upcoming Oracle presentations question

Randy Arabie randy at arabie.org
Mon Mar 1 13:35:30 MST 2004

Quoting Nate Duehr <nate at natetech.com>:


> Again, it's not about putting Oracle into Debian, it's about Oracle 
> supporting Debian.  That could be done with a standard tar.gz 
> installation, or Oracle can create .deb files just like anyone can and 
> distribute them themselves.  The lack of .deb's is not the issue at 
> hand, and Oracle does not need to create them if they don't want to.

I think it is a matter of someone forking out the $$$ to have Oracle 
*certified* on Debain.  I suspect money changed hands in the "collaborative" 
efforts that got those distro's in Jeff's post certified.

Debian, being the all volunteer organization that it is, I don't see that 
happening.  However, I expect that it is just the sort of thing that *could* 
happen with the Bruce Parens project...don't recall the name of that project  
right now.

Allons Rouler!


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