[clue-tech] Asterisk

Jim Ockers ockers at ockers.net
Tue Feb 7 20:05:56 MST 2006

Hi Mike,

> I'm 
> assuming the channel card is for connecting directly to a T1, which I 
> won't be doing at this point.  I will be using existing fax machines 
> though - how can you accomplish this, with a different type of channel card?

Digium sells a FXS card (4 ports on 1 PCI card) that you can use
to connect analog phones and fax machines to the Asterisk server.

FXS == foreign exchange STATION (station=phone, or something that needs
a dialtone like a phone)

They also have FXO cards that you can use to connect an analog phone
line(s) to the Asterisk server.

FXO == foreign exchange OFFICE (office=telco, or something that gives a
dialtone like a PBX)

I've been using * for a few years as my home voicemail with a FXO card
connected to my old Panasonic KX-T616 analog phone system.  I programmed
* with the right key sequences to transfer calls etc. on the Panasonic.

Anyway I hope this helps,

Jim Ockers, P.Eng. (ockers at ockers.net)
Contact info: please see http://www.ockers.net/
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