[clue-tech] up2date question

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Sun Feb 12 21:02:31 MST 2006

Jeff Cann wrote:
> Is there a simple way to only install security patches using fedora up2date?
> For example, on FC4, there are a lot of updates:
>  + http://fedoranews.org/mediawiki/index.php/Fedora_Core_4_Updates
> and a much smaller number are of type 'Security'.
> I would like to update those marked 'Security' only w/o updating the entire 
> system.

So FC4 is similar to Debian testing, I think.  In that case, the answer 
is "you don't".  Although it is possible, various ways, to tell that 
security fixes are in a new testing package, no one is doing security 
support for testing.  If you only want security updates, you run stable.

I assume that you want feature updates when you choose to apply them but 
you want security updates automatically.  I doubt that works very 
well--if no one is specifically issuing security fixes the packages you 
automatically install may be of questionable quality.

(If you don't want feature updates, just security then run a stable 
release.  Is that CentOS's version of RHEWS?)

The way I do it, I update my testing machines regularly.  That gets 
security fixes when they're out and other bug fixes too.  Yeah, and 
features too but frequently I can choose those (like exim 3 to exim 4, 
or samba 2 to samba 3, etc.)  So far I have always been able to tell 
when doing that would cause breakage.  And if I don't see any warnings 
everything just works.

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