[clue-tech] Protecting against the ssh hack

Angelo Bertolli angelo at freeshell.org
Mon Sep 25 23:41:39 MDT 2006

Peter Kuykendall wrote:
> I've had very good luck with DenyHosts, http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/. 
> My thought is that if a certain IP address is playing games with my machine, 
> I want to ban it forever, and report it to a central blacklist so that 
> others can be wary of it.  I don't want to wait until he finds some other 
> weakness in my setup, even if sshd is secure.  I'm don't much care if the 
> guy who owns that machine is malicious or just infected; I don't want him to 
> connect to me either way.
> So far there are about 3,000 IP addresses on the blacklist.  My machine has 
> personally blacklisted about 25 in the first 4 or 5 days.  After that then 
> all of the other crackers were already on the global blacklist, so I have 
> had no new discoveries since then.
What if someone is on a dynamic IP address from their ISP and you end up
blocking them, only later for someone else to get that IP?

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