[clue-tech] kphotoalbum

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Wed Oct 1 22:51:37 MDT 2008

Louis Miller wrote:
> Thank you, Miguel. I installed Digikam on my box. I am not ruling out
> using it, but I really want help in figuring out how to use the help
> files. I don't know what this create an index for your help files
> does. That might make me feel more independent in using Linux in
> general. Anyone?

An index is, well...

"a list of items (as topics or names) treated in a printed work that 
gives for each item the page number where it may be found"[1]

When you want to read about a topic, rather than looking through the 
whole book for that topic you look in the index and it tells you what 
pages to read.

So when there are a bunch of help files on your computer, the help 
system can index them (put their terms into a convenient order) so that 
it can do searches for you more quickly.  If you let it index it won't 
hurt anything.  If you don't it may still work, or it may refuse to do 
searches because it doesn't want to go through page by page.

I just tried it and the help system doesn't seem all that bright.  It 
didn't find something that should be there.  Oh, well, if I click the 
build indexes button it tells me that it hasn't indexed the application 
manuals so it doesn't search them.

So now it's up to date and working.  But if it doesn't rebuild the index 
after there have been changes to the help pages it won't work so well. 
It would be nice if it automatically updated the indexes but I don't 
know whether it does.


  1) http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/index

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