[clue-tech] Two things

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Sat Apr 4 00:47:30 MDT 2009

On Apr 3, 2009, at 9:40 AM, foo7775 wrote:

>  Hi all, I'm hoping that I can "pick the collective/community brain"  
> for just a second...
> First, I'm looking to set up a web site, & I'd like to request  
> solutions for a good domain name registrar & a good hosting  
> service.  (Obviously I'd prefer a Linux environment.)  As far as the  
> registrar goes, I have reasons that I'd prefer not to use GoDaddy  
> and Dotster, but AFAIK any other U.S.-based group should be OK...

I've used 1and1.com and dreamhost.com in the past.  No major issues  
with either one.  Both real cheap.  Another registrar I've used still  
allows me to renew, but they've removed their web access for new  
customers, which is odd... but they keep taking the money every year,  
and the stuff keeps working -- as best I can tell, they decided to  
focus in on their real data center biz, and dropped all the "ISP  
service" type stuff, or farmed it all out.  Strange.

> Second, the 'Free hardware' thread got me to thinking - I have an  
> idea for a pretty basic system I'd like to build, but I need a hard  
> drive. If I wasn't looking for work at the moment, I'd just pick one  
> up from Micro Center (or where-ever), but I'm trying to keep costs  
> to a minimum.  If anyone has an IDE hard drive around 60 Gb or so  
> that they could let go fairly inexpensively, please contact me off- 
> list.

I'll look around in the basement this weekend.  The weather isn't  
cooperating with what I really needed/wanted to get done, anyway...  
maybe it's time for a hardware purge, and I can post stuff here first...

Nate Duehr
nate at natetech.com

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