[clue-tech] Calling All OpenSSL Gurus

Mike Staver staver at fimble.com
Fri Aug 14 14:07:51 MDT 2009

I'm having some issues on my CentOS 4.X install right now. I'm trying to 
convert some DoD certs to pem:

# wget http://dodpki.c3pki.chamb.disa.mil/rel3_dodroot_1024.cac

# openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -outform PEM -in rel3_dodroot_1024.p7b -out 
rel3_dodroot_1024.pem -print_certs
unable to load PKCS7 object
28119:error:2006F078:BIO routines:BIO_read:uninitialized:bio_lib.c:162:
28119:error:0D06B08E:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_d2i_bio:not enough 

# wget http://dodpki.c3pki.chamb.disa.mil/rel3_dodroot_2048.cac

# openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -outform PEM -in rel3_dodroot_2048.p7b -out 
rel3_dodroot_2048.pem -print_certs
unable to load PKCS7 object
28128:error:2006F078:BIO routines:BIO_read:uninitialized:bio_lib.c:162:
28128:error:0D06B08E:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_d2i_bio:not enough 

# wget http://dodpki.c3pki.chamb.disa.mil/dodeca.cac

# openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -outform PEM -in dodeca.p7b -out dodeca.pem 
unable to load PKCS7 object
28139:error:2006F078:BIO routines:BIO_read:uninitialized:bio_lib.c:162:
28139:error:0D06B08E:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_d2i_bio:not enough 

Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong? Could there be an issue with 
my version of OpenSSL?

# rpm -qa openssl


                                 -Mike Staver
                                  staver at fimble.com

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