[clue-tech] CLUE Talk Mailing list mbox file too big to rsynch

Jed S. Baer cluemail at jbaer.cotse.net
Sun Feb 1 15:58:31 MST 2009

On Sun, 01 Feb 2009 14:50:34 -0700
David L. Anselmi wrote:

> Any chance the rsync worked despite the error?

Could be. My end exits immediately with a broken pipe when this happens.
But examination of the files I can think to check indicates it's working.
Doesn't really leave me feeling all warm and fuzzy though. I'd still like
to figure out what's causing the error message.

> Google suggests that there are various ways to get this, that may be 
> rsync bugs, or may be related to number of files, or may be due to 
> memory etc. restrictions imposed by cron.

Well, yeah, that's what I found. But the most common suggestions, having
to do with memory restrictions, whether they're in cron or the kernel, I
think would happen on a larger list before the 2nd largest.

> The version of rsync at cluedenver seems sufficiently new.  Maybe 
> upgrading your end would help.  Maybe there's something unusual in the 
> directory tree (corruption, circular links, etc).

The CLUE server is at 3.0.5, and I'm at 3.0.4. Actually kind of
surprising that CentOS4 is ahead of Ubuntu 8.0.4. Yeah, there are some
mentions of odd behavior if the versions of rsync are different at each
end, but I think those were with much older versions of rsync. Anyways,
3.0.5 is a bugfix release, with no protocol changes mentioned in the
changelog. In fact, the change log mentions a fix to not send a "-" when
talking to an older server, so that implies that different versions are
at least supposed to talk to one another.

And looking around in the clue-talk directory on the server, I see
nothing amiss. But in a tree that size, it'd be easy not to notice it
using visual inspection.


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