[clue-tech] Re: Anyone played with Unetbootin?

Matthew Perry tekgnu at digitalanomaly.com
Thu Feb 19 12:34:40 MST 2009

I have actually have used that unetbootin utility.  It is very quick and
handy.  My only comment on the USB images is, I haven't seen a work around
to expand the SquashFS to the Size of your USB.  Its strange it mounts the
OS understandably as CDROM with only Read-only, and the persistent part if
very small.  It has to be simple I just don't see where the mounting is
occuring.    Until I can find a solution to expand the SquashFS, I am going
to continue to use my two 4gb thumbdrive (I got a three pack at Costco).
Its actually really nice for ultimately carrying my 'opts' apps separately
allowing me to try a different flavor and still keep my apps on my app thumb
drive (where dependencies could be an issue).  I actually put an article out
on http://www.digitalanomaly.com on booting a bootable USB device within a
virtual machine in Windows (qemu) (it is relatively useful, because of the

Matthew Perry
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