> "grant@amadensor.com" wrote: > > > > Do a ls -l. You will likely notice that the setup file is not > > executeable. Do a chmod a+x setup. If you do the net installation > > (more than one user on the machine, and you should) you should be logged > > in as root, then log in as the regular user and do setup from the > > /opt/Office52/bin directory. It will put in your 2 meg of stuff. The > > directory names are a guess based on the 5.1 stuff. > > _______________________________________________ > > CLUE-Tech mailing list > > CLUE-Tech@clue.techangle.com > > http://clue.techangle.com/mailman/listinfo/clue-tech > A question first: does chmod affect a CD? Good question. I was wondering if you were describing your CD, above, or if you had copied the files off the CD to a disk. You're right: you cannot chmod the files on a CD (or any other read-only filesystem) to any other permissions. However, you can run a non-executable shell script as follows: [8] ducktape:/ockers > ls -al crappola -rw------- 1 ockers ockers 31 Jun 20 22:52 crappola [9] ducktape:/ockers > cat crappola #!/bin/bash echo "hello world" [10] ducktape:/ockers > bash ./crappola hello world [11] ducktape:/ockers > As you can see, I have a "script" there which is not executable. When run, the script will echo "hello world" to stdout (standard output, man stdio for info) when run. I was able to run the file by giving it as an argument to bash. > This is what it currently states about setup and following what you > said: > -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 66936 May 11 10:25 setup > -r--r--r-- 1 root root 392102 May 11 10:30 setup.ins > cullis:/cdrom/linux/office52 # chmod a+x setup > cullis:/cdrom/linux/office52 # ./setup > bash: ./setup: Permission denied Now in your case, this is more interesting. The brief essay above won't help you. I can think of a few reasons why it would say this: 1) The command interpreter (called from the first line of the file, as in #!/usr/bin/perl or #!/bin/sh) doesn't exist. Do a head -1 setup and see what the command interpreter is, and then check your filesystem to see if it's there. 2) The command interpreter (see above) exists but is not executable. Do chmod a+x on the command interpreter. If it still doesn't work, try to run the command interpreter directly - maybe it won't or can't run because of a library problem. 3) The command interpreter can't run because of a library problem, as in 2) above. Perhaps StarOffice is invoking some LIBC5 dynamically linked executable on the CD, and your system doesn't have the LIBC5 libraries installed. Try to determine what 'setup' is, by doing 'file setup' and see what comes back. If it's an executable, do a 'ldd -v setup' perhaps to see what libraries it's linked against. If it's an interpreted script, find out what the interpreter is (Perl? Python? Bash?) and see if the interpreter can run, or if it's dynamically linked against some non-existent library on your system. Of course you should make sure that the interpreter exists and is in the place that the script expects to find it in the #!/path/to/interpreter line at the beginning of the script. Hope this helps. -- Jim Ockers (ockers@ockers.net) Ask me about Linux! Contact info: please see http://www.ockers.net/ Fight Spam! Join CAUCE (Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email) at http://www.cauce.org/ .