Randy: I use qpopper on several systems. > Based on respnse rate (0%), I take it that nobody on the > list is familiar with Qualcomm's qpopper. However, I don't > think my problem is with qpopper, but with my portmapper config. > On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Randy Arabie wrote: > > About my qpopper config: > > > > 2) I added these two lines to /etc/hosts.allow > > popper: .arabie.org > > popper: 192.168.1.* > I can see w/ nmap scans that port 110 is not open. Portmapper > manages this service, right? And the above addition to hosts.allow > should make popper available, correct? Well, actually no. Here are the things you should check, in this order. 1. Is there a TCP listener on your system for port 110? That is, is there any software running on your system that is accepting connections on the POP3 port? (Presumably if it is listening on the POP3 port then the software, whatever it is, speaks the POP3 protocol.) netstat -a | grep LIST | grep pop If you see a listener like this one in the output of the above command: tcp 0 0 *:pop3 *:* LISTEN then there is a TCP listener on port 110 for POP3 listening on all inter- faces. If you see "" then for some reason your TCP listener is only listening on the loopback interface and is not bound to all interfaces. To accept connections from other computers, the port 110 listener should be bound to all interfaces, and the listener should be "*:pop3" or "". If not, then you need to configure inetd/xinetd to listen on port 110 and spawn popper whenever an incoming port-110 connection comes in. 2. inetd usually spawns services using tcpd, the tcp wrappers. The /etc/hosts.allow file (man 5 hosts_access) is the configuration file for tcpd. If in fact your xinetd is using tcp wrappers to start the popper process, then you should have the /etc/hosts.allow file set so that connections from the appropriate places are permitted to the POP-3 service. If you configured xinetd or inetd to spawn popper without using tcp wrappers then the /etc/hosts.allow file is irrelevant. 3. The linux kernel firewall may not allow incoming connections to port 110 if it has been configured as such. You should check the INPUT and OUTPUT chains or tables to see if there are any restrictions on port 110. Remove the restrictions and it should start working at this point. Good luck. PS the "portmap" process (or rpc.portmap) is used for RPC services like NFS. Normal IP services like sendmail, pop-3, FTP, telnet, etc. have nothing to do with the portmapper. -- Jim Ockers (ockers@ockers.net) Contact info: please see http://www.ockers.net/ Fight Spam! Join CAUCE (Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email) at http://www.cauce.org/ .