[clue] [Tech] Red Hat init scripts

Bruce Ediger bediger at stratigery.com
Wed Mar 16 13:36:19 MDT 2011

On Wed, 16 Mar 2011, Dan Kulinski wrote:

> I apologize, I messed up my explanation on a critical part of this.  K
> scripts are also run when entering that runlevel, not at exit.  You want to
> have your K script in the shutdown runlevel (runlevel 0) and the reboot
> level (runlevel 6).

OK, that's what I thought from reading the /etc/rc.d/rc script, but
there's so much gibberish about Red Hat init scripts out on the web that
I felt like I had to double check somewhere reliable.

I still can't tell why the script has 4 'S'-script links, and no
'K'-script link, but the lack of a 'K'-script explains why the lockfile
existed through the shutdown and reboot.  /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K97script.sh
never got called, and that's the place where lockfile deletion happens.

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