[clue] Rsync and root

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Fri Nov 4 22:28:13 MDT 2011

Will wrote:
> Rsync can connect to remote machines using RSH or SSH.  When it uses this
> method instead of rsyncd, It then runs rsync on the remote machine and send
> the data through a pipe.  If you tell RSYNC on the sending machine to use
> SSH with an Identity key, that key goes into authorized_keys on the remote
> machine prepended with command="sudo /usr/bin/rsync".

So when rsync tries to run rsync remotely, but gets sudo rsync instead, does it get confused?  Maybe 
not but I haven't tried it.

In any case, you have to set up that user to allow sudo rsync without a password.  Now you know the 
rest of the story.


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