The phpWebLog INSTALL / MINI-DOCUMENTATION Project See semi-full documentation at /*====================================================================*/ This quick install guide is assumed that you already have the following installed on the server. Apache - PHP4 - phpWebLog was developed with PHP4 in mind, but should also work with later versions of PHP3. MySQL - UPGRADING from previous stable releases /*====================================================================*/ There are sql diff files provided for you to alter database schemes from versions. If you are currently running an unstable release, results may be unpreditable. example: to update tables from version 0.2.4 to 0.3.0: mysql> mysql -u USERNAME -p DATABASE < 0.2.4-0.3.0.sql; QUICK INSTALLATION /*====================================================================*/ The tarball is meant to be extracted directly into your document root, or wherever you plan to point the virtual host. 1. Extract cd /var/local/www tar zfvx /path/to/phpweblog-X.X.X.tar.gz A directory called phpweblog-X.X.X/ will be created. Point your virtual host to /path/to/phpweblog-X.X.X/ in the Apache config. 2. Database create database: $ mysqladmin create MYDATABASE import data: $ cd /path/to/phpweblog/etc Edit to match your database settings, and run it. This will create the proper tables, and import some default data into your database. The included script is very basic and was written in a hurry to help make the install process as painless as possible. You may also do this manually by importing tables.sql and data.sql. $ mysql -u USERNAME -p MYDATABASE < tables.sql $ mysql -u USERNAME -p MYDATABASE < data.sql 3. Configure Edit /path/to/phpweblog/include/ the only thing you need to change here is the database connection variables, your local path to phpweblog, and the base url. Ok, you're done with the local stuff. Now point a browser to the and start editing the configuration. The default system password is 'password'. 4. Permissions There are a few files that need special permissions in order for them to be written to. This means they must be writable by the httpd process. The following is a list of these files that will be overwritten by phpWebLog. backend/ backend/layouts/ logs/error.log logs/access.log You can either manually chmod these files/directories to allow write access, or use the supplied script located in the etc/ directory. 5. Customizing If you want to change any html, go whack on, and Please note that if you do so, upgrading to newer versions of phpWebLog may be difficult. A template system is planned in future releases to allow for easier customization of your site. 6. Security You should protect your etc/ and logs/ directory with the included .htaccess if at all possible. Although there is no crucial data to be found there, but you may not want to expose your error.log and access.log to the world. Database inserts are handled by a POST method form request to submit.php. If submit.php is called with no HTTP_POST_VARS, an error is issued. This is to prevent someone from calling your submit.php?with=funny&variables=here and the database trying to insert them. Security related questions and suggestions are always welcomed. 6. Support The phpWebLog homepage is located at There is also a mailing-list provided through SourceForge. If at anytime, you forget the password, there is a script called in etc/ which sets your password back to 'password'. You must edit this script first to match your database settings. Bug reports and new ideas are always more than welcomed. Enjoy!