[CLUE-Adm] Idea for our next installfest

Lynn Danielson lynn.danielson at clue.denver.co.us
Mon Sep 17 10:25:03 MDT 2001

Mike Benavides wrote:
> I live near Grandview High School and it is Cherry Creek's shining
> examples of a wired school.  I think I am going to try to give it a shot
> and see if the the local computer teacher from GrandView, Eaglecrest and
> Smokey Hill would like to have an Installfest and have us introduce them
> to Linux while using their facilities.

Smoky Hill hosted our CLUE meetings several years ago.  One of the
teachers there was a big proponent of Linux and several of his 
students became proficient with it.  They used Linux to become one
of the first high schools on the web.  Unfortunately, that teacher
left the school and those students graduated.  The replacement teacher
made an initial effort to become familiar with Linux, but did not have
the interest to keep it up.  I think she found it more trouble than 
it was worth.  I'm not sure the school even has a web site any more. 

> I will go by the high school and see if the idea will fly if you guys
> think it is ok.   There are many minds our there to be open to new ideas
> and the high schools are the keys.  Tell me what do you thnk...

It's an good idea.  I'd support it if they express interest.  But if
you're really interested in targeting schools, we might find elementary
and middle schools have more interest than the high schools.  I think
the lower grade schools have smaller budgets for their computer systems
and might be more receptive to our free solutions.


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