[CLUE-Admin] [Fwd: Cross-posting [was Re: [CLUE-Talk] Linux Fun-da-mentals details...]]

David Anselmi anselmi at americanisp.net
Wed Aug 21 15:47:30 MDT 2002

Lynn Danielson wrote:
> I see your point about the majority of list subscribers being on
> CLUE-Tech.  But there's a reason for that.  It was a conscious choice
> on the part of those subscribers to receive only technical discussions.
> If some subscribers get left out of some announcement because they
> chose not to subscribe to CLUE-Talk, that's they're problem.  Cross
> posting should be discouraged.  Most announcements should be sent to
> CLUE-Talk only.  Security, virus or OSS release/feautre announcements
> would be OK on CLUE-Tech, but little else that I can think of off hand.

I agree with this.

Most people who don't read CLUE-Talk seem not to because of the 
political views sometimes expressed.  I don't really care for some of 
the views, but it isn't really a big deal to press delete.  So if we 
want announcements to go to Talk, I'm for it.

The only refinement I can think of, to get the best of both worlds, is 
to encourage people to subscribe to Announce and have people post 
announcements there.  We can still moderate the list so we don't get 
junk, or long discussion (like today's).  But it shouldn't be a big deal 
to approve posts like the Fun-da-mentals meetings.  We might also 
encourage posts to that list to be complete as far as what, when, where, 
  who, and so on so there isn't any confusion.


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