[CLUE-Admin] [Fwd: Cross-posting [was Re: [CLUE-Talk] Linux Fun-da-mentals details...]]

Lynn Danielson lynnd at techangle.com
Wed Aug 21 16:20:35 MDT 2002

David Anselmi wrote:
> Most people who don't read CLUE-Talk seem not to because of the 
> political views sometimes expressed.  I don't really care for some of 
> the views, but it isn't really a big deal to press delete.  So if we 
> want announcements to go to Talk, I'm for it.

It was a political discussion that was the catalyst for CLUE-Tech, but
a few people complained about more than just that.  I think you've got
to take the bad with the good.  I wasn't sure splitting the list was
justified and I still have my doubts.  There will always be those who
get offended easily and leave the list.  That might be to the detriment
of the rest of the list.  But anyone who's inclined to be this way will
find some excuse to get pissed off and drop out.
> The only refinement I can think of, to get the best of both worlds, is 
> to encourage people to subscribe to Announce and have people post 
> announcements there.  We can still moderate the list so we don't get 
> junk, or long discussion (like today's).  But it shouldn't be a big deal 
> to approve posts like the Fun-da-mentals meetings.  We might also 
> encourage posts to that list to be complete as far as what, when, where, 
> who, and so on so there isn't any confusion.

The only problem with this is that the list moderator would have to pay
regular attention to the traffic or no one will use it.  David's
Fun-da-mentals is a good example.  He waited unitl the day before the
meeting to post it.  If he had posted it to CLUE-Announce instead of
CLUE-Talk would it have been sent out in time for anyone to make it?
Maybe there are ways to make it easier on the moderator.


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