[CLUE-Admin] Re: [CLUE-Adm] Apr KISS.

Lynn Danielson lynnd at techangle.com
Mon Feb 25 19:45:39 MST 2002

Dave Anselmi wrote:
> Can I do the April KISS?  I'm thinking that an intro to SSH might be
> good - doesn't seem like it's been done.  It would have to be high level
> to fit in a KISS but maybe there are people still using telnet that
> would like to hear it.  We could do a regular presentation down the
> road, too.

It's been ages since someone did a ssh presentation.  Three or four
years I think.  But yeah, I had talked to John Kottal about him
doing a Debian KISS talk next month.  He said he'd be ready to do
it.  If you're anxious to give a talk next month, I d doubt he'd
mind, but I better check.  I'll get back.

> I could talk about networking fundamentals, too.  For a KISS, it might
> be hard to say anything usefull (top 5 networking config files, maybe,
> or something like that).  I could probably spend an hour on
> fundamentals, or on any number of more advanced things, too.

Networking could be a great talk.  I remember one guy who requested
this in the past.  When we finally got some networking presentations
scheduled, they were so low level and theory oriented that he was
upset and never came back.  Oh well, you can't please everyone.  But
I think some networking basics would be a good topic.  As you say,
the hard part would be narrowing down the focus.  Since Jeff wants
to limit the lengths of talks, I'm going to start encouraging folks
to do two part sessions if they want to cover the material in more
depth.  So how about it, do you want to do a series?



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