[CLUE-Admin] Re: CLUE Web Site Contact Form - LJs to go (Wed Jul 9 2003 04:57 pm)

CLUE President president at clue.denver.co.us
Wed Jul 16 23:26:19 MDT 2003

On Wednesday 09 July 2003 04:57 pm, you wrote:
> I have a large collection of Linux Journals that I plan to throw
> away.  Would you or CLUE like them?  I am trying to be environmental
> conscience by finding them a new home.


We would like to receive the copies from you.  Could you bring them to the DTC 
August meeting?  If not, let me know and we can arrange a time to meet.


Colorado Linux Users and Enthusiasts (CLUE)
Jeffery Cann, President

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