[CLUE-Admin] Website Maintenance Notes

Jed S. Baer thag at frii.com
Sun Oct 26 15:09:36 MST 2003

Saturday, Jeff.C, Jeff.O, Lynn and I met to talk about server migration.
Part of that discussion involved using the cluedenver.org domain as the
primary for CLUE, mainly because we have better control and access for
maintaining the DNS records. To that end, I've been going through the
website, looking for absolute references to clue.denver.co.us. I figured
I'd post the results here, so in case I'm hit by a bus, or hit the
Poweball jackpot and relocate to Belize, someone else can use these notes,
and also so I can reference them later, when necessary.


 I've added defines for HOMEURL=http://cluedenver.org/ and HOMEPAGE= a
full anchor tag for cluedenver.org

index.html: uses clue.denver.co.us as the "sitesearch" term for Google
search. Since this is useful (I think) more for the e-mail archives than
anything else, a transition to cluedenver.org might exhibit quite a lot of
lag time.

Mailing lists and addresses:

  Lynn pointed out that the CLUE navbar has an absolute reference. Until
Mailman recognizes cluedenver.org, that will have to stay the way it is.
Mailman defines are in header.html, and are for clue.denver.co.us.

  ContactForm.html also uses clue.denver.co.us in listed e-mail addresses.
I don't know whether sendmail (or exim, on the new server) will also route
mail for cluedenver.org.

  presentations.html: 1 clue.denver.co.us e-mail address

  siteDevelopment.html: has 1 absolute reference, to the CLUE-dev list

  studygroup.html: clue.denver.co.us in mailing address for Lynn, and link
to Mailman for CLUE-Cert.

  volunteers.html: again, the Mailman issue

admin/index.html: doesn't use header.html -- probably a non-issue.

I'm ignoring the development subdirectory, all presentations, and the

Just a note: to facilitate maintenance, all North pages now use the same
header.html as the rest of the site.

If anyone cares to traverse the site, and point out any errors I might
have made in the process, I'd appreciate the feedback.

... it is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday
facilitate a police state. -- Bruce Schneier

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