[CLUE-Admin] Next InstallFest thoughts

Crawford Rainwater crawford.rainwater at linux-etc.net
Fri Apr 9 10:01:24 MDT 2004

There was some talk after the recent InstallFest at DeVry on having them
a little more frequent.  I was thinking perhaps one a quarter (so the
next one June-July, then September-October area), though I was wondering
the thoughts from the CLUE(-South) so that they are not all in one
location (at DeVry) all the time?

The only concern I personally have is the lack of Admin or Linux savvy
folks at the one at DeVry, since it was myself and one of my Linux ETC
gents for the first part of the InstallFest until Kevin Fenzi (Boulder
Hacking Society leader) and another Linux ETC gent showed up after 1PM. 
Yes, I was being dragged between 3-4 projects at once...

Thoughts, comments, etc. from the peanut gallery?

--- Crawford
CLUE-North Coordinator/Lackie

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