[CLUE-Admin] Next InstallFest thoughts

David Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Fri Apr 9 13:04:47 MDT 2004

Crawford Rainwater wrote:
> There was some talk after the recent InstallFest at DeVry on having them
> a little more frequent.  I was thinking perhaps one a quarter

I've never heard anything so outrageous! ;-)

> The only concern I personally have is the lack of Admin or Linux savvy
> folks at the one at DeVry, since it was myself and one of my Linux ETC
> gents for the first part of the InstallFest until Kevin Fenzi (Boulder
> Hacking Society leader) and another Linux ETC gent showed up after 1PM. 
> Yes, I was being dragged between 3-4 projects at once...

I enjoy installfests and don't mind driving to DeVry (though naturally 
DTC area is much nicer for me).  But my weekends tend to be busy as was 
the case with the last one.

For those who may not know, I've always said installfests should be 
quarterly (disclaimer: I've never been on the hook to put one on).  When 
the subject of North 'fests came up I was ambivalent because I thought 
that South should be doing them quarterly which didn't seem to leave 
much time for North to squeeze in.

Given what's actually happened though, alternating between North and 
South seems like a good idea.  Especially since there don't seem to be 
any others going on (BLUG, NCLUG, etc.)  As long as we can keep 
experienced people interested we should have them (even if no newbies 
show up, I'm up for a day hanging with you guys).  Obviously newbies 
only doesn't work very well.

I don't see any reason we can't say quarterly (that works out to Apr, 
Jul, Oct, Jan on the current rotation), pick dates for the next year, 
and reserve space.  It might even turn out to be possible to say 1st Sat 
of the quarter or some such.

And with that I leave it to you fine folks to implement :-)

But actually, if there are hang-ups to what I describe, what are they? 
Maybe I can even lend a hand.


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