[CLUE-Admin] Member Pages, Pictures, Directory

Jed S. Baer thag at frii.com
Wed Jan 7 22:57:59 MST 2004

Hi Again.

(BTW, no I'm not ignoring Crawford ;-)

In the course of thinking about where to publish the new website while
it's under development, I wound up loading my CLUE member page. Once I'd
recovered from the fright, I looked at the filesize for my picture. 1/2 a
meg. Now I realize that's just chicken feed to all you high-bandwidth
types, but I still recommend resizing the photos down to something
smaller. I'm happy to do it, as it's trivial using the ImageMagick convert
utility. But I'd need the photos on a CD.

Also, I guess we should add a member directory to the website. I'm not
quite comfortable with just taking a directory of /home -- well, OK, I
could just key off there being public_html/picture.jpg file I suppose. But
until we (I?) get some sort of database thing setup for people/members,
maybe there could just be a textfile list that Lynn would maintain, and I
could then write some PHP to generate a webpage directory from that?



... it is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday
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