[CLUE-Admin] Change to httpd.conf

Jed S. Baer thag at frii.com
Sun Jan 25 16:45:42 MST 2004

I now have all of the scripting, etc. finished for both publishing the
"beta" CLUE website, and producing a tarball of same.

FWIW (this will go out to CLUE-Dev once it's finalized), I have created 2

 * htdocs/admin/publish_dev.php accepts an 1 argument, which is the CVS
tag name for a release of the site_devel project. The current tag is
'Intial-0'. I might simply use the name 'current', and force it ahead
whenever there's a release, rather than attempt to invent a tag name --
although I realise that v-0.{n} works fine there too (except I recall some
discussion on the Pan-developers mailing list a while ago mentioning
something about being careful which such nomenclature, although that might
have been a conflict with how Gnome recognizes beta releases. I admit to
liking Pan's release "name" conventions, which I don't think are actually
used in CVS tags).

 * /var/apache/cgi-bin/publish_dev.sh is called by publish_dev.php to do
the CVS export, create the tarball, move the tarball to the
htdocs/development directory, and move the exported site files to

Note: publish_dev.php is in CVS. publish_dev.sh is not.

The next step is to create Apache aliases for the development site. Since
this requires restarting Apache, I'd like to run this past other eyes
before I actually stick it into httpd.conf, as I'd like to avoid a site
outage resulting from a failed restart.

[ httpd.conf fragment ]

Alias /site_devel/ /var/local/site_devel/public_html/
<Directory /var/local/site_devel/public_html>
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  Options Indexes
  DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
  ErrorDocument 404 /var/local/site_devel/public_html/404.html

[ end fragment ]

Note: in the development site, there aren't any .html files containing php
code (or shouldn't be, anyway).


... it is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday
facilitate a police state. -- Bruce Schneier

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