[CLUE-Admin] webserver maintenence notes

Jed S. Baer thag at frii.com
Wed Mar 31 20:16:30 MST 2004

On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 18:42:27 -0700
CLUE President <president at clue.denver.co.us> wrote:

> I used to think there was some value in keeping old logs.  We have never
> looked at them or really needed them.  The one think I think you should 
> consider is that webalizer generates a 12 month view.  Perhaps you can
> change it to a 6 month view or keep 12 months of logs?

I didn't see anything in the Webalizer README about being able to restrict
the time frame. Or, for that matter, whether it deletes any of those
static pages it generates, which are older than 12 months.

OK, looking at the webalizer output dir, I see stuff going back more than
12 months. I also see that someone was archiving reports from prior years.
The only way I can think of to recreate that for 2003 would be to edit the
prior access log, and cut the 2003 out of it, and feed it back through
webalizer. Does anyone see a need to do that?

As long as Webalizer doesn't shoot itself in the foot, and mess up the
prior month's report when it's generating a new one in incremental mode, I
don't really even see a need to keep 6 months of raw logs. That's really
just a safety margin, so that if I mess things up in webalizer's config, I
can recreate things. But once I'm sure webalizer is behaving the way I
think it does, it's hard for me to argue for keeping more than a couple a
months' back logs.


... it is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday
facilitate a police state. -- Bruce Schneier

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