[clue-admin] User setup for "member" accounts

Jed S. Baer thag at frii.com
Sun Jan 2 22:18:40 MST 2005

On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 17:54:01 -0700
Collins Richey wrote:

> Yeah, I saw this one, too.
> FYI, either there's not an available RPM for FC3 for either scponly or
> rssh (I did a 'sudo yum search ...'), or we don't have a complete set
> of RPM repositories defined for yum. Would you like to check that out?

rpmseek.com lists only mandrake packages for scponly; for rssh, only
mandrake and pld

freshrpms.net has neither

Via rpm.pbone.net, I found rssh, but no scponly:

There's always rpm.livna.org, but it doesn't appear to be web-searchable.
I haven't yet looked at adding it to the yum config, but that should be
easy. Whether it's what we should do, I don't know enough about Livna.

has an FC2 rssh package -- might work.

www.rpmfind.net: only mandrake packages for scponly; and the dag packages
(mentioned above) for FC3.

I have no objection to downloading RPMs and installing them manually. Yum
and up2date are very convenient, but I can't think of any major reason to
use them exclusively.

The only thing I can think of with downloading RPMs from other locations
is to make sure we don't get compromised binaries. I've used rpmfind.net
for years without trouble. It looks like they've lost their mirrors
though. Used to be one in Seattle, but now all I can get to is the
repository in France. I've used RPMs from freshrpms.net too -- no

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