[clue-admin] KISS Session ---> Desktop Linux 101

WFT Electronics, Gus Salvatore Calabrese wft at frii.com
Thu Jan 12 15:37:23 MST 2006

These look good ( great )  30 minute session yes ?
I would like to arrange to video tape each session and get
materials to put on CD or DVD.

On Jan 11, 2006, at 11:47 PM, Todd Trichler wrote:

Jeff Cann wrote:

> Todd will come up with the list of sessions and then we'll ask for  
> people to volunteer for them.  It would be excellent if we can use  
> a similar presentation template, and then publish the list of  
> slides / notes on the CLUE home page.
( disclaimer this is long -- but wanted to throw some ideas out there )

Here is a Tentative list...    Desktop Linux 101 series  6:30pm-7:00pm
Feb 7th  : Impress = I've used this quite a bit for work and would be  
willing to kick it off.
March 7th : Calc = suggest we get John to volunteer who was with us  
last night, he has done some interesting stuff with calc
April 11th : Writer = Presenter ??
May 9th : Base = Presenter ??
June 13th : Firefox = Presenter ??
July11th : Thunderbird = Presenter ??
Aug 8th : Tour of KDE = Presenter ??
Sept 12th : Tour of Gnome = Presenter ??
Oct 10th : Evolution = Presenter ??
Nov 14th : Kopete vs GAIM = Presenter(s) tagteam  ??
Dec 12th : Burning CDs : K3B? love to see someone showcase this app :D
we will have to come up with some catchy titles and descriptions

Some thoughts:
Do you try and showcase multiple apps on one night eg. different  
email apps. ?
    - My personal take on this is rather not, with only 30min it is  
better to focus on one thing and do it well.
    - It will also be easier to get presenters as they will feel  
comfortable talking about an app they use everyday.
The initial list does not include every possible app for each function..
    - newbies have enough trouble navigating the myriad of choices -  
better to keep it simple, so since
    we are drawing from the DTC area I selected some of the more  
commonly used ones on corporate desktops.
    - we should probably stick to apps that are available on the live  
CDs, that way they can have something
    familiar to practise on  (I will procure k/ubuntu live CDs for  
the february meeting)
I can build a default template when I do the impress presentation -  
the question is what should be the content ??

Straw figure for template content :
For 30min you probably want 10 slides with a demo..
Slide 1.    Title Slide
Slide 2.    Agenda
Slide 3.    Demo place holder
    (navigation, and highlight key functions : NB for some this might  
be their first intro)
Slide 4.    Top 3 or 5 everyday usage Tips
Slide 5.    Power user Favorites
    (at least one slide of this nature will mean that someone  
familiar with the app will still have some fresh meat )
Slide 6.   Gotchas or known Issues
Slide 7.
Slide 8.  Compatibility with  the equivalent windows app
    (loading, converting, editing, saving and sharing)
Slide 9.
Slide10. Resources
       (links to FAQs, Howtos, downloads, websites, forums ...)

> I think we should change the name of the KISS session to something  
> like 'Linux Training for Windows Users' or 'Desktop Linux 101' so  
> it better reflects the content.
I am with Collins on this one, don't particularly like the windows  
moniker, even if the target
audience is probably coming out of that environment.
the 'Desktop Linux 101' series works -- says what people can expect  
-- introductory Desktop Linux sessions

thought, comments, additions, subtractions welcome ;D
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