[clue-admin] mailman

Collins Richey crichey at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 20:47:57 MST 2007

On 2/25/07, David L. Anselmi <anselmi at anselmi.us> wrote:

> Oh, wait.  Maybe CentOS installs everything it has by default.  Then
> they don't want everything running, nor do they want to ask you hundreds
> of times what to turn on.  I guess that might make sense--seems to me
> that Solaris is similar (for some set of stuff they consider core).  I'm
> so spoiled to be using Debian.  I used to think Linux was Linux and I
> could work with it anywhere.  But I guess I really would need retraining
> before I could do a RH job.

The principal thing to remember about CentOS is that it is a true red
clone of RHEL. Except for the occasional bug that RH won't bother to
fix and for kernels to provide other device/filesystem support that RH
won't bother with, CentOS changes absolutely nothing except for the
copyrighted artwork. They do provide extras repositories for the more
adventuresome. I haven't checked for a while, but I imagine CentOS is
still providing PHP4 just like RHEL even though PHP5 may be in the
extras repositories.

That brings us back to RH. When you run an RHEL system, you get what
they provide - sort of like Henry Ford "any color you want as long as
it's black". RH have determined a standard server set that they
support, and they have determined in advance what services should be
started. If you want anything different, just turn off the services
with 'chkconfig'. Actually removing the packages may or may not be
successful depending on, you guessed it, dependancies.

Collins Richey
     If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries
     of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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