[clue-admin] mailman

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Sun Feb 25 19:57:17 MST 2007

Jeff Cann wrote:
> David L. Anselmi wrote:
> With so many packages, it's hard to determine what should be turned on 
> by default.  Also, we didn't really do an install of CentOS per se.  I 
> clicked a button in a web form on VPS Link, waited about 5 minutes and 
> viola - new OS installed.  I didn't answer any questions like you would 
> during a normal installation.

I see.  If it were debian I'd get on and remove everything we don't 
need, since that's easy to do without breaking anything.

It looks like we don't have all that much stuff installed anyway 
(according to rpm -qa anyway, maybe I'm missing something).  So we might 
get rid of sendmail and one or two others.

And do we want webmin running on port 25000?


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