[clue-admin] mailman

Jeff Cann jccann at gmail.com
Sun Feb 25 18:58:08 MST 2007

David L. Anselmi wrote:
> Oh, wait.  Maybe CentOS installs everything it has by default.  Then 
> they don't want everything running, nor do they want to ask you 
> hundreds of times what to turn on.  I guess that might make 
> sense--seems to me that Solaris is similar (for some set of stuff they 
> consider core).  I'm so spoiled to be using Debian.  I used to think 
> Linux was Linux and I could work with it anywhere.  But I guess I 
> really would need retraining before I could do a RH job.

With so many packages, it's hard to determine what should be turned on 
by default.  Also, we didn't really do an install of CentOS per se.  I 
clicked a button in a web form on VPS Link, waited about 5 minutes and 
viola - new OS installed.  I didn't answer any questions like you would 
during a normal installation.

So, my guess is that this was a product of the VPS Link install 
process.  But, I can't remember whether mailman is turned on or off by 
default when I've done Fedora and RHEL installations.


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