[clue-admin] DTC Feb Meeting

Jeff Cann jccann at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 10:14:02 MST 2008

On Feb 11, 2008 10:01 AM, Jed S. Baer <cluemail at jbaer.cotse.net> wrote:

> My point is that we need to communicate to the members what's happening,
> and do so sooner than the day of, or even the day before, the scheduled
> meeting.


I have to apologize to Dennis because I don't recall communicating our new
guideline that 1 week prior to the meeting we need to have a confirmed
speaker or either 1) have an informal meeting or 2) cancel the meeting.
Dennis - consider this the communication :)

I also did not explain that it's the responsibility of the president to make
this decision, with input from the admins.

Jed - If this is not in the cluedenver.org admin folder, can you please add
it?  My copy of the wiki mirror is DOA.

I am working on some other leads for March and I do appreciate any other
ideas.  One thing I thought we could do is ask the CLUEbies for contacts of
people or companies that are involved / using Linux on a daily basis.  This
would be a list of contacts I can use to ask for presentations.  It seems
that asking the CLUEbies to be speakers is just not working right now for
whatever reasons.

Keep the faith.
Read my blog at http://www.isuma.org/
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