[clue-admin] Donations for VPS.

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Tue Dec 14 23:13:49 MST 2010

We announced the Gus Calabrese fund raising plan at the meeting tonight.  I collected $138 for 2011 
VPS hosting and we haven't made a general announcement yet.  We need about $71 for our current 
invoice.  Anything extra will be kept to spend on future VPS service or installfest gear (my 
discretion unless someone says they want their donation treated differently).

I haven't seen a decision on changing VPS providers.  I heard tonight that the company Shawn Perry 
recommends is cheaper but I don't know what they provide.  I also found that Amazon might provide 
something that is free for 2011 and comparable after.

I don't have time to volunteer for migrating things in time to beat the January invoice date.  So 
I'd propose that if we can pick a different provider before January we pay less than a year and 
commit to switching in that time frame.

If we can't pick a different provider by January then we renew for a year and see if we can find 
different hosting and time to migrate by 2012.


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