[clue-admin] e: [ADMIN] Those who want to determine the hosting provider... raise your hands

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Sat Dec 18 13:42:21 MST 2010

> > > I'll suggest amazon web services. It's free for a year.
> > Do they provide Mailman?
> It's a cloud server, we can do whatever we want with it.

Then comes my previous remark about "cloud" vs. "private server" on this thread again.  I will leave out my person issues with Amazon's services and policies as well.

Second item, migrating from VPSLink to  issues.  With such short notice, it would be a bit hard to do IMHO.

--- Crawford

I wasn't suggesting an immediate, emergency-style migration. I was suggesting pay VPSLink for 90 days. Then, we've got 90 days to plan and execute a migration.

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