[clue-admin] Email Lists Referendum

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Mon Dec 20 13:09:17 MST 2010


It's not so much that there was "not much mention", but that discussions tend to happen across multiple lists, and if you're not subscribed to all those lists, you might miss part of the conversation.

Anyway, with regard to where to tonight's meeting is, that was actually buried in the email message you replied to.

> If you haven't voted at a meeting, and you want to, please come (in
> person or by phone) to the planning and steering meeting this evening.
> Location: DeVry Westminster, Room 308/134. Time: Tonight, 7-8pm.
> Please have a look at http://cluedenver.org/display.php?node=contacts
> before attending.

See you tonight. If you can't make it in person, and you'd like to attend by phone, please let me know directly.

David L. Willson
Trainer, Engineer, Enthusiast
RHCE MCT MCSE Network+ A+ Linux+ LPIC-1 NovellCLA UbuntuCP
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