[clue-admin] Focus and direction some

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Tue Dec 21 21:15:28 MST 2010

Crawford Rainwater wrote:
> ----- "Jed S. Baer"<cluemail at jbaer.cotse.net>  wrote: -----
> <...snipped...>
>> For the moment, let's get the mailing list issue settled, then attack
>> the question of hosting, since our contract is up for renewal.
>> I suggest tabling the discussion of a Charter, re-alignment of CLUE
>> admin positions, and elections, until at least the previous 2 items are
>> settled.
> Jed has a valid point. Seems everyone has changed focus from the VPSLink renewal which I would
> put before this email list issue since the renewal is due 01 Jan 2011. Now granted, David A. has
> collected donations if I am following the CLUE-Admin postings correctly (thanks and nice job
> BTW!). But that leaves, "what does the future entail?" still. As noted along these recent topics
> is that everyone seems to get excited (or perhaps panicked) at the last minute, then things fade
> to "what was that issue?" when it comes up (several months) later.

My fault I suppose.  At the meetings I've steered towards "what needs to be done" so that people can 
do it, ask for help doing it, or be happy that someone else is doing it.  I haven't talked about 
what could/should/is being done because I don't care to interfere with those doing.  So I have 
ignored VPSLink renewal, what the future entails, and last minute panic.  I'm sorry if someone 
thought I was going to represent their interest better.

> So current topics that need to be addressed:
> - VPSLink renewal (pretty much in check) for 2011

Crawford can do the renewal.  I went along with my nomination as treasurer (at least for this 
issue).  Some used their example to make passing the hat successful and now we have the needed funds 
so this is done.

For those who want to do something other than VPSLink (there's still time), I haven't seen anyone 
planning or executing a migration, offering demos of alternatives, or anything that compels me to 
get involved in those things.  There are several people who have ideas for alternatives, and maybe 
someone will put up a demo.

(As an aside, we seem lately to have an increase of vocal ideas and a decrease in action.  My 
reaction to that is to espouse what the Free Software people have taught us: code talks.  That seems 
a sufficient approach to me.  So for those with ideas, go and do.  Don't let my disinterest stop you.)

> - Email list(s) topic

This too is being done.  It will be interesting to see the outcome.

> - Web site "gen 2" or CMS'ed or revamped

Dennis is doing this.  It remains to be seen what he will accomplish.  Just like email lists, "Don't 
talk about going to Borneo."  Anyone else who wants to do this should, and might profit by 
collaborating with Dennis.

> - CLUE Charter
> - CLUE elections and/or admin positions

I'm curious to see whether these need to be done.  Perhaps they won't be.  Perhaps they will be and 
will be ignored.

> Now to throw a historical deal into the mix on the latter.  Typically one remained as "CLUE
> President" until there was a desire to "pass the torch" such as with Jeff Cann to Dennis on the
> last term.  Now there is a request for having "elections" for positions of such.  Did I miss
> something about Dennis desiring to "pass the torch" or was there an assumption that came up from
> someone somewhere?

I think it's a coup, though not directed at Dennis.  Some people think we're democratic (or perhaps 
should be) but I don't think there's much evidence to support that.  Might have been better to say, 
"You, I want your job.  What'll ya take for it?"


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