[clue-admin] Focus and direction some

Crawford Rainwater crawford.rainwater at linux-etc.com
Wed Dec 22 09:22:38 MST 2010

Nice, I see I made a few folks think a bit in a variety of ways and got the creative juices flowing in the brains.

My intentions were not to pitch "this idea is better than yours".  It was to get communications going so that a more even understanding of things from a variety of perspectives of those interested out there.  When there is proper and assertive communications between all involved, progress is made.  When the communications are passive, aggressive, or a mix...stuff hits the proverbial fan.  Part of which is to consider "old" vs. "new" so that all avenues are explored a bit.  Maybe it worked, maybe it stinks, maybe it <fill in the blank>.  I admit I have not been able to make it to the actual "in person" meetings due to other obligations so I might be missing some of this perspective in person.

I like what I see from various people out there.  I agree that this is not a "one man show" as well (re: running CLUE-North with a majority of the duties on my end for 4+ years + InstallFests) as well.  I am not saying nor expecting someone needs to do this role because you are already doing another role.  Folks are speaking up and pitching in where and when needed.

That said, there is some direction and focus coming into view.  

The tasks I will be part of and/or take charge of
- VPSLink
I will forward David A. an invoice from Linux ETC shortly (later today, Wednesday 22 Dec) to get that in check.
- Future hosting CLUE web site
Work in progress on Linux ETC's end if folks are agreeing and okay with Linux ETC hosting a VPS for the CLUE server.  I can start a separate thread explaining why a simple web site hosting group most likely will not work in the end since web site hosting typically does not allow/permit email hosting.
- Webinar/conferencing
Figuring out the Drupal front end a bit, but been engaged in a few other projects.  Have a major part figured out which was the Drupal module was not made to be PostgreSQL friendly (was MySQL friendly though).  Back end is up and running and pretty nice...save I have no web cam nor microphone to see how those work.  The presentation and desktop sharing features are nice.
- CLUE web site via Drupal or another CMS
As I will mention in a separate posting, willing to help out here.

For other tasks and folks out there I see the following with point person(s):
- CLUE web site via Dennis and Collins.
- CLUE Charter via David Willson.
- CLUE InstallFest via David A.
- Current CLUE web site via Jed (wishing to "retire" noted)
- CLUE presentations via (forgot the gent's name doing this part suddenly and want to say Mike Burton?)
- CLUE Email list(s) topic.
- CLUE web site and email, v2.1 (I recall discussion of a Forum style setup potentially to merge both, but have the individual features)?
- CLUE voting or polls perhaps.  Put out a poll/vote for a set time period, notify the list(s), review the results, go from there with input from the masses.
If I missed anyone else, I am still waking up and was hit with a sinus deal overnight via allergies (i.e., not much restful sleep nor fun) so my apologies in advance.

Just a summary of things from my perspective.  Open to the usual comments and feedback, though pardon the delays in getting the CLUE-Admin list in digest format.

--- Crawford

The Linux ETC Company
10121 Yates Court
Westminster, CO 80031 USA
voice:  +1.303.604.2550
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