[clue-admin] CLUE steering meeting

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Wed Nov 17 16:52:51 MST 2010

dennisjperkins at comcast.net wrote:
> We might have a second meeting too. Regarding our current setup, I know we have an email server
> and a web server and something written in PHP.

PHP sucks.

> Drupal is written in PHP and needs a database; either MySQL or PostgreSQL will do. If we migrate,
> what needs to be moved?

We also have mailman running our lists and archiving them.  We can probably keep the archive as-is, 
rather than importing it into the forums but the lists would have to be imported.

There are probably posts about the last migration that would be helpful.

> I don't know what Sean's setup is yet. That is why I asked him to provide information. I think he
> hosts for a number of businesses, hopefully from some business facility. He uses Proxmox for VMs,
> and he said it has a Drupal module.

I suspect it has a Drupal appliance.  Maybe not what we want.


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