[clue-admin] Fwd: CLUE steering meeting redux.

YES NOPE9 yes at nope9.com
Thu Nov 25 16:36:17 MST 2010

> Admins (and gentlemen) ;-)   David Anselmi
> I'd like to redirect the goal of our steering meeting.  "VPS, Drupal" and "CLUE steering" seem 
> incongruous to me.  Steering seems so much more grand than talking about two tools.  I ask for your 
> support (see the last paragraph).
> I will announce two meetings: the evening of Nov 26th and the evening of Dec 14th (our regularly 
> scheduled meeting).  We can add a Saturday if there is enough interest.
> The goal will be to establish the direction of CLUE for the coming year:
>  - address priorities and shortcomings in how we're executing
>  - get help/replacements for those admins who need it
>  - get new admins for new things that need to be done
> In short, to shake off the slumber that is slowly overwhelming us.  I don't know whether I can pull 
> this off.  I do know I need your help.
> == snip  ==

I would like to come to the November meeting.
I would like to have an outline of an agenda published prior to the meeting  ........ this is the age of InterGoogle after all.
     Things I would like to see   Why does CLUE exist ?  What are it's priorities ?  I would like to see these ranked on the first page.
     Is CLUE interested in all open source ( hardware and software ) or specifically Linux thingies ?
     How about more installfests ?  Why does David A. say slumber is occurring ?

Gus in Denver

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