[CLUE-Cert] 7 Nov meeting?

Lynn Danielson lynn.danielson at clue.denver.co.us
Tue Nov 6 17:41:36 MST 2001

Michael James Robbert wrote:
> You know the 7th isn't the second Wed of the month? I don't care, but it
> is kinda confusing.  Can we put a more extended schedule on the web page?
> It doesn't seem to get updated all that often so putting a couple
> of months in advance up might help.

Gads, your right!  I thought Holloween was last Wednesday.  I'm obviously
not keeping my days straight.  Oh well.

It's been my job to keep the web page updated and I haven't been doing a 
very good job -- sorry everyone.  I can usually find the time to do it 
when I get reminded, so please, feel free to remind me.  Another option
would be to get someone else in the group set up with the rights to 
update the server.  David Anselmi has expressed some interest in our
web site development effort.  So he'd be a likely candidate if he's so
inclined.  Dave, has Jeff set you up with an CLUE admin account yet?

I just sent out a query about future meeting dates.  If we can form
a consensus, I'd be happy to post projected meeting dates on our web


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